A dead coffee shop is not a good coffee shop

(Even if the coffee is amazing)

So I go there to get my daily bean juice fix and it’s silent.

Like you can drop a pin silent.

So I ask the owner if they’ve got any socials set up and with a quick google I can see they have a facebook page and site that gives us that magical “This site can’t be reached” message, which is code for “we really don’t know what we’re doing and everything has gone to shit but hey at least our coffee is still amazing!”

So as any coffee lover who happens to know a few things about marketing and what not, I think it’s time to see if I can CPR this little slice of heaven and get some more eyes and feet going through their business.

I don’t know much about football but I did see that Garry Neville went there. So I might write a direct mail piece about that and riff on the viral “Come in and try the worst coffee one woman on trip advisor had in her life” angle.

Then I’ll see if I can revive their FB page and run a few bucks a day in local targeted ads/boosted posts off a few coffee memes and lastly see if she did what a lot of business owners do…

Collect emails to collect because they were told that’s what they had to do, but then they have been sitting in a file, dying and wanting to be emailed.

But first. I need to write up the pitch, bust out the old typewriter and type the letter, grab a stamp and post it out.

I’ve got my Friday cut out for me and this is just a glimpse of the daily shenanigans that flow through my mind.

Stephen Walker


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Stephen Walker
Unit 146317
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BH15 9EL
United Kingdom

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