“If the truth hurts, pain is our ally.”
Quick item of business before we jump in:
Tomorrow at midnight, registration for our final workshop of the year…
2k25: Clarity – Strategy – Execution
…Will close, and preparation for Saturday’s war room will begin.
So if you want in, now’s the time.
Second item of business…
Does this sound familiar to you?
Thought so 🙂
Don’t be shy, we’ve all done it.
The difference between us and RG is, now we know the truth:
Every year we stand still, moving forward gets harder.
Not only because the world is changing rapidly:
Competition is fiercer, the bar for success is higher, the bots are taking over, etc…
But because every year we don’t make tangible progress toward our vision, we lose faith that we ever will.
That’s the knife twist in the gut nobody talks about.
Every time we:
Set a goal
Make a plan to achieve it
Psych ourselves into thinking we're really, actually, honestly going to do it this time
Only to sink back into old habits and fail to execute our plan
…Our confidence shrinks, and we lose trust in ourselves.
Because trust isn’t earned with thoughts and words.
It’s earned with actions and behaviours.
And every time we fail to take action, we begin to see ourselves as someone who fails to take action.
Which means — you guessed it:
We’re even less likely to take action next time.
I know that’s a painful truth, but if the truth hurts, pain is our ally.
And the truth is, the urgency is real.
Whether our boy Gosling feels it or not.
(I guess once you’ve married Eva Mendes there’s not much else to achieve…)
Anyway, that’s my speech.
If you’re ready to make real moves in 2025:
Come join us in the 2k25 war room, and let’s make it happen.
- T
P.S. The sunny side of today’s lesson:
Self-belief is a trainable muscle.
Yes, it grows weaker every time you hesitate, procrastinate, and fail to execute.
But it also grows stronger every time you follow through.
So if you’re joining the 2k25 workshop (or watching the recordings on your own time), know this:
Whatever your goal, whatever your strategy, whatever your plan of execution…
We’re going to hold you to it.
Here’s the link one more time.
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