“The universe needs to know what you want before it can give it to you.”
So, it looks like we’re a go 🙂
Yesterday’s email about our upcoming workshop…
”The Most Productive Day Of The Year”
…Generated a ton of interest, and rightfully so — but we’ll talk about that in a moment.
First, I want to talk about this:
A few hours after I sent that email, 8-figure entrepreneur and OG Path member Mason Vranes sent me this text:
“I think this is a dope idea.
I see a ton of posts from people saying this is their year to ‘lock-in’ and make it big.
Then around June/July, they say they haven’t progressed at all and only have a few months left to lock in.
Endless cycle of posts like that.
Basically you’re making 2025 the year they actually break through.”
“Endless cycle” is right:
Motivation spikes around the new year, and we charge out of the gate ready for war.
Then it wears off, because motivation is a set of chemicals, not a set of character traits.
And when motivation recedes, and our (lack of) strategy begins to fall apart…
…We feel ourselves slowly sinking back into the rut of our old habits, as yet another year fades into the past….
…While our confidence — our trust in ourselves to do what we said we were going to do — fades with it…
…And that familiar nagging feeling takes root in the pit of our stomach, because deep down, we know:
Every time we let ourselves down, and let another opportunity die in our hands…
…We groove the pattern even deeper.
So the next time we feel that spark of motivation, it will be accompanied by an even darker cloud of doubt…
…And even slimmer odds that we’ll finally — finally — be able to turn our vision into a reality.
That hurts.
I know I’m twisting the knife here, but pain is fuel, and fuel is what we’re looking for.
What we’re also looking for:
Clear, precise, detailed, intelligent, all-the-way-thought-through Strategy:
Strategy that transforms our motivation into dynamic, targeted action — and action that transforms our vision into a reality, once and for all.
So that’s what we’re doing in our workshop next week.
Here’s the plan:
Registration will open on Tuesday, Dec 17 and run until midnight on Friday, Dec 20.
The workshop will be held live, Saturday, Dec 21, from 9 am EST until around 5 pm EST.
The recordings will also be made available for anyone who can’t attend live, so all you’ll need to do is sit down one day during the holidays and follow along.
I’m going to open up a private coaching group for the month of January (at no extra cost)…
…Where I will be available for open Q & A, accountability, and additional live calls to help keep you on track.
Our goal:
To guide you through the all-important first month of 2025, until your habits are locked in, your strategy is running smoothly, and momentum has taken over.
Because — and let me make this clear:
This is your year.
This is the year you finally break through, and finally — finally — bring your vision to life.
You do your part, and I will damn sure do mine.
So rest up, have an amazing weekend, and get ready.
2025 starts next week.
- T
P.S. Remember…
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