Sh*t or get off the pot (greatest hits)

Today’s email is a remix of one of our all-time greatest hits, originally sent on June 24. Enjoy.

Make your move or pass the ball.

Speak up or sit down.

​Sht, or get off the damn pot. ​​ Those moments of lukewarm effort, of kinda doing the thing but really not… ​ The work hours spent flicking around social media instead of in deep, unbroken concentration on your most critical task… ​ The workouts half-assed, the sets stopped short of failure, the exercises skipped, the days missed… ​ The meditations spent lost in thought, sitting without practicing, never generating the diligent focus required for self-mastery… ​ The activities completed as checks on a to-do list, done just to say you did them, showing up without being fully present… ​ The time spent doing work you hate without also working towards doing work you love… ​ The years that pass by with no tangible results, no material progress, no dynamic movement towards your greater vision… ​ The hesitation, the indecision, the fapping and farting and taking it way too damn easy for no good reason other than fear, laziness, and that foggy, cloudy, not-sure-what-it-is that seems like it’s blocking you but evaporates the moment you take action… ​ ​…Those moments are the very building blocks your life is made of.​ ​ And when time all-too-quickly runs out, your life as you know it will be the end result of those moments: ​ The moments you either sat there doom-scrolling with your pants down around your ankles… ​ …Or put your phone down, put your boots on the ground, sht, and get off the damn pot.

Happy Thursday.

  • T

    ​P.S. If you’re still hungry:

    ​These 8 rules for life pair nicely with today’s email.​

“Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work.” – Chuck Close

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