The Fork In The Road

“If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now.” – Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

What is the state of your internal world, right now?

Do you feel clear, centered, and strong?

Or do you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and cloudy?

The only right answer is the truth, so turn your attention inwards and take a look.

If you feel clear, centered, and strong — bueno.

Carry on.


If you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, cloudy, whiny, cranked, wanked, or otherwise janked…

…My next question for you is this:

​Is that state productive, for you?

Is frustration helping you make progress?

Is overwhelm helping you gain clarity?

Is whining about the problem helping you solve the problem?

Is staying janky helping you get un-janky?

Sit with that for a moment, because we’ve reached a fork in the road.

For many, the question alone will crank their jank to new levels of wank, and send them spinning down the side of the road that leads, effectively, nowhere.

(“mrrahhh I’ll be janky if I damn well wanna be!!!”)

​Those people are not serious about self-mastery.

They’re also probably not reading this right now, which means you, dear reader, took the side of the road that actually leads somewhere.

So good for you.

On that side of the road sits a big, glowing stop sign with an arrow in front of it and the solution to your problem behind it.

Beneath the arrow, clearly marked, are the words:

​Baggage stays here.

The moral of the story?

Our disturbance about a problem does not help solve the problem.

Let go of the disturbance, and the solution appears.

  • T

​P.S. This new clip just went live.​

(and pairs perfectly with today’s email…)

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