A sneaky little law…

There’s this law. It’s a sneaky law.

It governs how people see you. How they perceive you and how you carry yourself. 

It is infectious. It’s almost impossible to not feel the same way as any person who is using this sneaky little law.

Neurologists have proven it…

People who have talked about this sneaky little law, have only touched the surface. 

The interesting thing about this sneaky little law is…

It overrides everything they taught you as you grew up.

You’ve may have heard friends, family and professionals say that you need to keep hydrated. 

Eat healthy. Get 8 hours of sleep to be you. To be functional. To be healthy and normal.

Hell. If you look at what’s going on in the world right now.

What is normal?

And even though I’m not saying those things aren’t important because they are.

What I’m saying is that this sneaky little law doesn’t need you to follow the above.

You can activate it with ease and it’s fun and once you start using it daily.
You won’t believe the level of confidence that will radiate out from you.

For now though. I’m getting ahead of myself.

I’ve been knee deep in the research phase of this sneaky little law.

I’ve been glued to papers, books and lectures on it.

So now I’m just trying to make sure I haven’t lost my mind.

I’ll share more about it soon.

For now though…

I’m going to vanish off into the night and play with this sneaky little law again…

Stephen Walker.

P.S. This is not a euphemism but it is fun. Very fun.

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