a moral duty to be good humans

I had a call with a couple of my silly goose members and they keep brining up A.I. in the creative sense of the world.

Now I’ve always said that there’s a place for A.I. when it comes to do the boring shit. If you don’t like data and numbers, the robot overlords can do that. Hell, I welcome it.

(Unless you as a person love that then ugh, okay?)

When it comes to creative work. Art, writing and music… Well that’s a whole different thing in itself.

Firstly. The fact that all of these companies, start ups and “biz bros” who jumped on the bandwagon went out of their way to steal work from living artists, to train their models on.

I would’ve been totally cool if they were using work that has already been put into the public domain or even work that isn’t being used by family estates that may still be living.

Yet they didn’t.

Now when they have billions of dollars to throw at companies in silicon valley it’s the whole:

Grace Hopper’s famous axiom, “It is better to ask forgiveness than permission,”

Which is bullshit, cause instead of going out and getting a commission from your favourite painter or artist. Some shit weasel who is using A.I. can create a poor mans copy of your favourite living artists work by typing a few sentences (Or prompts as the A.I. nerds) like to call it.

So as much as I’m one for working smarter and not harder. When it comes to creativity. Well I’d rather spend my time crafting the best work I can with the brain-meat that sits behind my ears, than rely heavily on A.I. apps/software and the people who use it to exploit living creatives.

I’m actually just annoyed while writing this so it’s coming off more of a rant.

A.I. is just theft in its current state. They don’t care about the creatives they steal from, they also don’t even have heart to approach their artists they stole from and compensate them for blatantly ripping off their intellectual property.

And as much as I’d embrace my own manifest of being a silly goose (Coming soon)

I will go out of my way to boycott these start-ups, apps and advocates of A.I. cause they don’t seem to care about the humanity wrapped around it.

Stephen Walker.

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