your philosophy matters

When I’m not writing horror, filth or advertising copy.

I’m always dabbling with my own philosophy on how I see the world, how I do my work and how I want to help people think differently.

It’s a tough gig cause there’s way too much information out there and there are also way too many people telling you that your way is wrong.

This is where when you take a craft like writing and force yourself to do it every single day, without fail, even when you don’t want to and churn out something. Your brain magically starts to compartmentalize ideas. It’s what I call content assimilation.

I wouldn’t say it’s new. It’s just something a lot of people don’t talk about purely because they’re trying to sell you something that won’t work.
(I’ll talk more about content assimilation in another email cause it’ll deserve it’s own bit of spotlight)

I was just reminded by boy Ben Settle that sticking to your philosophy and constantly tweaking and growing as you go is what you need to do.

Especially in a world where creatives try and pound their chests on social media.

Announcing how great they are…

(You’re not great if you have to keep telling the world how great you are)

Greatness is acknowledged when you put in the time. You make the sacrifice and put out the words, content and ideas that you readers/fans will inevitably read.

The only thing you have control of is putting yourself out there, followed by moulding your philosophy surrounding what it is you do.

It’s why I write. I write for self-discovery and it helps me shape the way I see the world and people.

It’s about progress and not perfection. It’s about vulnerability instead of fake confidence.

Funnily, the more vulnerable you are the more confident you come across.

So whether I share my books or talk about advertising and psychology there’s always going to be an underlying philosophy around why I do the things I do.

It’s why you’ve probably followed me on places like Twitter or LinkedIn it’s also probably why you’ve joined my little cult inside of The Silly Goose Society.

I like to test the limits of what people look for on social media. I post what I post deliberately to filter out people who won’t get my humour and ideas. I don’t take myself too seriously but I do love to have conversations about a lot of wild topics which will then lead me to be able to write about it too.

That’s a win win strategy in my books. So having a reason behind what you do. A philosophy.

That is what will set you apart from the others competing for attention in a world where connection is overlooked.
This also applies to how interact with people at work, or how you treat your loved ones.

There’s always a philosophy around how you act and it’s what will draw and repel people from you.

If you ever want to talk about this. I’m all ears. Hit reply and let’s go.

Stephen Walker

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