…and 103 emails since I’ve had to restart this wacky list of misfits

Getting my ass booted off a platform I enjoyed has definitely changed the way I view the whole online space.

But the main thing I took away was:

Nothing is promised and can be taken away without any explanation…

So where you can have a backup. Make as many as you can.

I won’t say I wasn’t pissed when it happened, but I was left more annoyed at my own stupidity to be honest.

Well. I was lazy.

Luckily I’m using a platform that sends me email backups often and don’t care about the spicy nature of some of my emails.

So looks like I’m in good hands.

So whether I’m ranting, sharing wild shit or just doing a little more of the “teaching” side of things.

I’ll keep on sending these daily emails.

I look forward to writing them and I know a few of you enjoy reading them.

With the warmer weather coming back, I’ll be able to share more too.

For now though. I have to get back to building something I’ve wanted to for a long time.

Stephen Walker


If you’re not diggin’ these tasty little emails anymore you can hit the unsubscribe button right here >>> unsubscribe

Stephen Walker
Unit 146317
PO Box 7169
BH15 9EL
United Kingdom

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