A.I. is already trying to kill you

Let’s talk about the future…

You know? that thing we were promised would have flying cars and robot butlers?

Turns out it’s just a tide of ChatGPT diarrhea flooding Amazon with “how-to” guides written by algorithms that think poison ivy is a salad green…

Here’s a fun case for a Sunday

Some chucklehead decided “expertise” is overrated. Why pay a mycologist when you can ask a language model trained on Reddit threads and Minecraft fanfic to write “Foraging Fun: A Happy Little Guide to Not Dying in the Woods!” (I made that up but you get the point)

So they jumped on to our pal ChatGPT and did some “writing”

And their whole process probably looked like this:

Step 1: Generate 10,000 words on mushroom identification using data scraped from Etsy reviews and a Hannibal episode.

Step 2: Slap a stock photo of a smiling grandma holding a basket on the cover. (Trust vibes!)

Step 3: Watch as some poor soul mistakes death caps for chanterelles because the AI described them as “tasty little umbrellas :)”

Which is basically a headline for the future tabloids titled: “Here’s how A.I. accidentally kills you this week!”

Granted this was last year: https://stphnwlkr.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/lolmushroom.jpg

We have pretend experts using A.I. to create potentially life threatening guides on topics they have zero expertise on.

Now I’ve done my fair share of mushrooms over the years and I can tell you from first hand experience that if you eat the wrong mushrooms, you will either trip your balls off or potentially kill yourself. There’s no in between.

It’s why micro dosing has taken off for medical reasons…

(But this isn’t a day for fungi education)

It’s to point out that we now have idiots using these tools.

If you have a genuine interest or education / high level experience in a subject or topic then yeah, use A.I. for research.

I know those people will at least go out of there way to study and collect proven work on the work they want to share.

It’s just dangerous knowing that there are people out there who want to fast track to the other side and allow our robot overlords to take the wheel.

We’re not being replaced by A.I. We’re being out-stupided.

So if you do need to use these tools. At least know about the topic or become an expert on it, which is not really that hard to do.

I’ll stay in my lane though. I’m a pen monkey who just types words for your entertainment and educational purpose.

Hell there wasn’t even a real reason to share this. I just found it interesting because more and more of these cases are popping up and it’ll just get harder and harder to detect it all (Until a lot of people die…)

I’m off on a hike now before robots do all the walking for me.

Stephen Walker

P.S. The robots aren’t evil. They’re just committing evil via weaponised incompetence.

P.P.S. Real experts have trust issues. AI has a Trustpilot account. Choose wisely.

P.P.P.S. This post was written by a human. Probably. (Run it through the detector and pray.)

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Stephen Walker
Unit 146317
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