Here’s the deal with “manifestation”…

“There are only three answers to a prayer: yes, not yet, and ‘I have something else in mind for you.'” – Elsa Dutton, 1923

Reader asks:

​”What’s the deal with manifestation? Is it real?”​

Taylor replies:


At least not the version where the universe is a big happy dream factory* that runs on pretty thoughts and fairy dust and plops out the products of our desires on command.

But when we hack away the fluff and see “manifestation” for what it really is, it’s quite real and quite simple.

So, here’s the deal with it:

​”Manifesting” simply means turning your thoughts into reality.
That’s it, that’s all.

The entrepreneur “manifests” his business, just like the artist “manifests” his work of art.

Just like marketers “manifested” the word “manifesting” to sell more books and courses.

So don’t let flowery terminology cloud the underlying principle:

​Everything you have ever created is a product of your “powers” of manifestation.​

And it’s a good idea to learn how those powers actually work, if you want to create more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

Here’s the formula:

​Clarity x Desire x Action = Result

​Clarity means getting perfectly, vividly clear on exactly what you want (no hazy visions or vague generalities).

​Desire means you deeply, honestly, authentically want it (not “other people want it so I want it too”).

​Action means your behaviours move you towards what you want (not what you don’t want)…

​Result means allowing life to surprise you with when and how it happens, and what form it takes when it happens (the left side of the formula is our job, the right side is not).

Notice I said nothing about affirmations or vibrations or pulling rabbits out of hats.

Simply bring your vision, your emotions, and your actions into alignment, and you’ll have more magic than you can shake a wand at.

Now, of course…

We’re all doing this, all the time.

The problem is:

  1. Our vision is hazy and vague.

  1. Our desire is clouded by fear and doubt and paranoia (or, is implanted by others rather than self-generated).

  1. Our actions are inconsistent and insufficient (and are often pointed in the opposite direction of what we want).

So it’s no wonder we often manifest the mess of a children’s colouring book instead of the masterwork of an artist.

To paraphrase Maestro Tyson:

​Power is like fire; it can cook your food, or burn your house down.

Creative power, ie. manifestation, is no different.

So if your powers of manifestation are creating a life you don’t want, tattoo this formula across your vision board:

​Clarity x Desire x Action = Result


  • T

    ​P.S. In other news, this just dropped…​
  • the universe is a big happy dream factory, it just doesn’t run on pretty thoughts and fairy dust. But more on that another day…

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