Social distance insanity

Honestly I’m not even surprised at what happens in the world anymore.

Here in the UK they’re just off the rails.

There’s a flu going around again and it’s supposed to be BAD, like bird flu epidemic bad, but like anything to do with health. People will be affected by it one way or the other.

Now there’s talks of potentially bringing back social distancing and masking and all of that fun stuff that happened during 2020.

I know people are exhausted mentally, physically and spiritually and if something does happen and we’re told to stay at home. I know it’s gonna make a lot of people lose their shit.

Me on the other hand. I don’t mind being at home, in bed and writing my daily emails. It’s what keeps me sane and if it means I don’t have to pay attention to what other humans are doing. Then I’m all good.

I can’t say the same for what I see out in the world though, but I’m sure you can see it too.

The world is on fire and we just need a damn break.

That’s why I’ve gotten back to drawing/painting while getting better at this whole writing thing too.

On top of that I’m also watching a hilarious series called Shameless, which honestly just shows how shameless we should be as people to get what we want out of life.

There’s many micro lessons in there cause the show has been running for 11ish seasons. So I’d definitely watch it if you need a little escapism from the shit show.

I’ve just made some tea, got some supplies and dragged myself to bed.

And I’m going to be dead to the world for the next 18hrs.

So come join

Stephen Walker

P.S. There’s been silence outside for the last 24hrs, so I’d imagine the squirrels are up to no good…

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Stephen Walker
Unit 146317
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BH15 9EL
United Kingdom

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