I’m about to tattoo some truth onto your souls, and like that time you tried to give yourself a stick-and-poke at 2 AM (we’ve all been there), this is gonna sting.
First off, let’s talk about those “New Year, New Me” posts flooding your timeline like a sewage backup of false promises.
You know the ones. They’ve got the lifespan of a mayfly with commitment issues.
Everything you are right now.
Every victory, every face-plant into the concrete sidewalk of reality, every “well, that plan went to hell in a handbasket” moment.
Don’t throw your device across the room like it just insulted your mother.
I know what’s screaming in your skull palace right now
“But Stephen, what about that editor who ghosted me?”
“What about when my laptop died mid-manuscript?”
“What about when the squirrels stole my outline?”
Even when it’s not your fault, MAKING IT YOUR FAULT is your superpower
Let’s do some soul-surgery with these questions (grab your notebook)
- What bullshit story are you telling yourself about why you’re not writing/creating/conquering? (Be brutal. Your ego’s been asking for a beating)
- If everything was 100% your fault, what would you do differently tomorrow? (This one’s gonna hurt worse than gas station sushi)
- What are you avoiding owning because it’s easier to blame Mercury being in Gatorade? (Yeah, THAT thing)
- If Future You kicked down your door right now, what would they scream about your current weak-sauce mindset?
The moment you start treating every obstacle like it’s a personal invitation to level up your game, that’s when shit gets real. That’s when you transform from background character to protagonist in your own weird-ass story.
You’re not a victim of circumstances. You’re the slightly unhinged architect of your own destiny. Even when life’s being a complete thunderweasel, your response is your responsibility.
So grab your metaphorical sword (or actual sword – I don’t judge, I write in a murder shed), and start owning every piece of your story. Even the parts that make you want to hide under your desk with a family-size bag of chocolate and your emotional support coffee mug.
Stephen Walker
P.S. Yes, I wrote this without pants while making “Own Your Chaos” mugs. Multitasking is my superpower.
P.P.S. The squirrels watching through my window seem inspired. This is concerning.
P.P.P.S. No refunds on personal growth. Terms and conditions may apply. Side effects may include increased responsibility and decreased ability to blame Mercury retrograde for your problems
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Stephen Walker
Unit 146317
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BH15 9EL
United Kingdom