It’s a fresh and early morning and the world is still kind of asleep.
You wake up. Grab a coffee and then you do the worst thing possible…
You jump on to social media and get stuck in a scroll hole that sucks you into the outrage.
Politics. Olympics. Terrible things happening across the world. You feel your heart rate spike a little. Your day hasn’t started and now you’re annoyed. Hell, you’re about to head straight into Outrage city.
You’re primed to find everything annoying and so your day spirals into a menacing hatred for society and humans as a whole.
This was all engineered. The media is designed to make your emotions flip flop.
However, you’re better than this. You take a deep breath. You open your email and you find this waiting for you.
You get told that life isn’t too serious even when things seem terrible and the world is crumbling.
You’re safe. You’ve got a roof over your head. You’ve got friends and family nearby. You live in a safe community in relation to what’s being fed. You are blessed.
Oprah once penned: ““Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration, moving you from negative energy to positive. It’s the quickest, easiest, most powerful way to effect change in your life — this I know for sure.”
While everything in the world in on fire. An attitude of gratitude will slap you out to the meh-ness of today.
Stephen Walker