Alan Watts’ philosophy as mental bolt cutters

There are days where we struggle through the spiritual meatgrinder we call life.

When the world’s got you down, and your soul feels like it’s been put through a cheese grater, that’s when you need a dollop of Alan Watts’ philosophy.

So on days where I want to clock out early and just be…

Here are 5 things I reflect on often:

Reality check: Watts reminds us that we’re all just fancy mud playing dress-up in a universe-sized sandbox. His philosophy slaps you with the cosmic truth that your problems, while valid, are about as significant as a flea’s hiccup in the grand scheme of things. Oddly comforting, right?

Mind-bending perspective shift: Watts’ ideas are like mental gymnastics for your brain. They flip your worldview upside down, inside out, and sideways. Suddenly, your troubles look different – maybe even manageable – when you’re seeing the world through Watts-tinted glasses.

Ego deflation station: Feeling full of yourself? Watts’ philosophy is the pin to your balloon of self-importance. It reminds you that you’re part of something bigger, interconnected, and wildly beautiful. Your ego shrinks, but your sense of wonder explodes like a supernova.

Laughter in the face of absurdity: Watts had a knack for pointing out the ridiculous circus that is human existence. His philosophy helps you see the universes wild joke, and guess what?

You’re the punchline. But so is everyone else, so might as well laugh about it.

Freedom from the hamster wheel: Watts challenges the rat race mentality that’s got us all running in circles. His ideas are like bolt cutters for the mental chains of societal expectations.

Once you grasp his concepts, you might just find yourself doing a happy dance in the rubble of your former preconceptions.
If you drop his name into the search bar in Youtube. There are hundreds, if not thousands of audios, full talks and compilations you can inject into your earholes.

Get off of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit and open up your soul to a little philosophical loving.

Stephen Walker

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