Goofball Marinara

2020 was the last time I went to Subway.

Meatball Marinara Melt was my go-to sandwich. It was messy and tasty.

Today I went after 4 years and had the same. It was crazy cause one of the employees recognised me, even though I’ve not been through those doors since the world shut down for a little while.

We got talking and they mentioned that they have just finished their final year of a computer science degree, which was awesome!

I made a few jokes about A.I. more specifically ChatGPT and they were laughing (Again)

I remember the last time we spoke we were laughing about some silly stuff. I can’t exactly remember what cause it was 4 years ago, but the impression was there. They were chuckling.

It wasn’t particularly busy. It was just after 4pm and raining and it got me thinking…

Maya Angelou once penned; 

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

This was true cause all those years ago I left them with a humour-filled impression of me.

We had a few laughs amidst the chaos that the world was going through at the time.

You don’t need to be a world-class comedian to make someone laugh, giggle or chuckle like a mad scientist.

Just be yourself and had a little humour to it. You too can become unforgettable.

And if you need some inspiration on how to do it quickly and effectively check out:

Make ‘Em Laugh & Take Their Money by Dan Kennedy

Stephen Walker

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